As you can imagine there’s a lot to maintain and keep up with on the farm each day. From animal care to grounds maintenance to facility growth for new additions there’s always something to do or get done and we could always use a helping hand. There are many way’s we could use your help. Check out the list below on how you can lend a helping hand.

Ways we could use your help;

  • Grounds Maintenance Assistance Program

    • Taking care of a 13acre farm through the seasons can be quite the task. We could always use volunteers with building experience to ensure our animals are well housed through the cold seasons and shaded during the hot seasons.

  • Animal Education Assistance Program

    • Are you in the profession of the animal sciences? If you are, how would you like to share that knowledge to the eager ears of our youth who are ready to soak it all in?

  • General Volunteering

    • Do you love animals and wish there was a way you could help them. Complete the form below and someone will follow up with you to determine where you can help.


Want to volunteer?

Fill out this form and we’ll be in touch!